Spritz Aperitivo, Spritz Aperitivo is our new hard kombucha, inspired by the classic, beloved Italian cocktail, Aperol Spritz®! We started with green tea, and infused it with all organic adjuncts: honey from Mikolich Honey, 240 pounds of bittersweet oranges from J.R. Organics, hibiscus, and a blend of spices—fennel from Coastal Roots Farm, turmeric, caraway, and star anise. Aromas and flavors of zesty orange, herbs and spices, and white wine captivate the senses, transporting you straight to Italy. Whether enjoyed as an aperitivo, an afternoon sunshine sipper, or a refined libation, Spritz Aperitivo provides an effervescent, refreshing and tasteful experience that's perfect for any occasion.
Pure Project Brewing
Стиль: Hard Kombucha / Jun
Алкоголь: 5,0%
Начало выпуска: 18.05.2024
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