Moxee, From the brewer: I wanted to make an IPA like the IPAs that were common in the 1990s in Seattle and the Pacific Northwest that seem to have almost disappeared in favor of the much more tropical fruit and citrus IPAs of today. Some call that "dank", "piney", "resin-y", etc. which all sound negative, so I don't like to use those terms. It has the assertive hop character that shocked and delighted me and made me fall in love with the new American IPA style and with my new home of Seattle. Its aroma reminds me of those years.
It's named after Moxee, Washington, where all the hops for this beer were grown.
Optimism Brewing Company
Стиль: IPA - American
Алкоголь: 5,9%
Горечь: 44 IBU
Начало выпуска: 28.11.2015
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