Applesecco Discovery Cider, The cider like Prosecco!
The legendary Henry Hobson once claimed that he made an exceptional cider with pink Discovery apples. We rose to the challenge and after our first press at Oldfields this cider astounded us; bright crisp, well-balanced and packed with Discovery apple flavour.
Enjoy this cider like a sparkling wine and serve it chilled in flute glasses. It makes a great ingredient in cocktails too!
As it is made with eating apples it is not eligible for 'Protected Geographical Indication' status but all the apples are grown locally in Worcestershire. It contains natural yeast and no artificial colours or flavours.
Oldfields Orchard
Стиль: Cider - Traditional / Apfelwein
Алкоголь: 6,0%
Начало выпуска: 04.05.2014
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