Kapittel Pater, Our red-brown abbey ale can be considered a “single”, meaning a beer that was made for the guests of the abbey and for everyday consumption.
Hazy, nearly opaque mahogany, with a deep red shining through and a small white foamy head.
This is a top-fermenting ale is refermented in the bottle, which means you can age the beer for a few years.
The aroma will make you think of sweet burning wood, plums, banana bread, citrus, and a little yeasty zip. Full and complex flavor, hints of smoky dark malt, lovely rolling flavors of caramel and chocolate.
Due to the dark colored malt, the taste repeats a burning sense and gives us hints of sweet peaches, ending in a light hoppy bitterness.
Leroy Breweries
Стиль: Brown Ale - Belgian
Алкоголь: 6,0%
Горечь: 20 IBU
Начало выпуска: 21.08.2010
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