Kapittel Dubbel,
In our brewing process for the 7,5° dubbel we use extra winter malt .
This increase in malt results in a higher alcohol content, so the yeast that feeds on the sugars in the malt is given a feast of greater proportions.
By adding sugar, also known as “Belgian candy,” we can increase the activity of the yeast, and the beer gets a second fermentation in the bottle, carbonating the beer in a natural way.
This gives the beer a beautiful and large froth.
This fine Dubbel has a rich malt aroma of malt, yeast, dark fruit, & spice; flavors of sweet malt, yeast, caramel, dark fruit, raisons, and spice, with a faint touch of pleasant bitterness, and it fills up the gap between our 6° Pater and the 9° Prior
Leroy Breweries
Стиль: Belgian Dubbel
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Горечь: 10 IBU
Начало выпуска: 25.12.2010
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