Wells Bombardier Satanic Mills, Roused by William Blake's Jerusalem, Wells Sanatic Mills epitomises all that is great in English brewing. Like the original Bombardier Premium Bitter, this rich, dark ale is uniquely brewed using natural mineral water from an independently accredited source; our own well. Created by Wells and Young's, Satanic Mills uses the finest English 'Fuggles' and 'Goldings' hops. Sampled by hand, only the most flavoursome part of the ripest hops is used, guaranteeing a delicious fruity aroma and exceptionally smooth palate. Satanic Mills is brewed using 'Ale' and 'Chocolate' malt, intensely roasted to give the ale its dark colour and intense depth of flavour.The malt is carefully crushed, not ground to enhance the complex flavours.
Eagle Brewery
Стиль: Porter - English
Алкоголь: 5,0%
Начало выпуска: 21.02.2011
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