Duvel Tripel Hop Cashmere, The Duvel Tripel Hop Cashmere is a Belgian IPA with a nicely balanced bitterness as you are used to from Duvel. 'Cashmere' is the result of crossing a female 'Cascade' hop plant with a male 'Northern Brewer' hop plant.
With this Duvel Tripel Hop we use aroma hop Cashmere as the third hop variety. Grown in Washington's Yakima Valley, this hop enriches Duvel's flavor palette with fresh notes of coconut, citrus, peach and melon.
To brew Duvel Tripel Hop, the brewers do not simply add a third hop, but they use the dry-hopping technique. This brewing technique means that in addition to the hops during the boiling process, extra hops are also added at a later stage of the brewing process (during the lagering process). This makes the hop aromas more intense in the final beer. Refined aromas and a pronounced hop character. With this beer you can fully enjoy an intense taste experience.
Brouwerij Duvel Moortgat
Стиль: IPA - Belgian
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Горечь: 50 IBU
Начало выпуска: 16.02.2019
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