Casey Brewing & Blending

Funky Blender: Blackberry + Vanilla (Triple Crown 2/24/20)

Sour - Fruited • 6,8% ABV
  • Funky Blender: Blackberry + Vanilla (Triple Crown 2/24/20), Ale aged in Oak Barrels with Triple Crown Blackberries and Madagascar Vanilla. More vanilla! I'm really enjoying this blend. The vanilla comes through strong on both the nose and taste. Our blackberry beers always have a relatively high level of perceived sweetness and the whole Madagascar vanilla just excentuates this making it a true sweet and sour blend. Liquid dessert for sure.
  • Пивоварня: Casey Brewing & Blending
  • Стиль: Sour - Fruited
  • Алкоголь: 6,8%
  • Начало выпуска: 06.08.2020
  • Оценка: 4.267
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