Brasserie Dupont

Saison Dupont (2021)

Farmhouse Ale - Saison • 6,5% ABV • 30 IBU
  • Saison Dupont (2021), Saison Dupont is a world classic beer and the yardstick for one of Belgium’s most important beer styles. It is the most admired AND imitated Saison in the world. A strong, vital yeast is key to full attenuation and thus to the style. Saison Dupont is straw colored with a dense creamy head. The nose is alive, like fresh raised bread, estery with citrus and spice notes. Full-bodied and malty, it sparkles on the palate and finishes with a zesty hop and citrus attack. Incredibly compatible with food!
  • Пивоварня: Brasserie Dupont
  • Стиль: Farmhouse Ale - Saison
  • Алкоголь: 6,5%
  • Горечь: 30 IBU
  • Начало выпуска: 17.04.2021
  • Оценка: N/A
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