Imperial Russian Stout, Following the success of the first brew of our Limited Edition Imperial Russian Stout we are delighted to announce that due to a strong demand – it is back!
We were one of 12 brewers last year who produced our own version of Imperial Russian Stout to take part in a grand tasting held in Saint Petersburg in June 2011.
The Great Baltic Adventure re-traced earlier 18th century journeys, when British porter – a dark, rich beer – was shipped to Russia where it was a great favourite with Empress Catherine the Great and renamed Imperial Russian Stout.
The beers were loaded on to a 60ft, former round-the-world Clipper and left Greenwich, London on May 15th and then headed across the North Sea and the Baltic Sea, stopping at Denmark, Sweden and Finland before arriving in Saint Petersburg on June 18th.
When the beers arrived they were tasted by a panel of judges who selected the winning stout. Unfortunately we didn’t win but the demand has been so great for our Imperial Russian Stout that we have had to do another brew! Our traditional slate Yorkshire Square fermenting vessels have been brought out of retirement to help with the fermentation of the stout.
Black Sheep
Стиль: Stout - Russian Imperial
Алкоголь: 6,8%
Начало выпуска: 10.05.2011
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